Korean games
They are made to roll on a flat surface, like when you play a classic board game with dice. South Korea has a bunch of friendly traditional games – something that’s becoming increasingly rare in our technology-driven society. Consist of pushing your opponent until he loses their balance. Two players need to stand in front of each other, with their hands up and feet together. Once they are in position, they should try to push each other with the hands. Each player can try to deceive their opponent by teasing, ducking or fake pushing.
Although it may appear confusing at first, it is a straightforward game. If you’ve never seen Gonggi in Korea, I have to wonder where you went during your visit. This 먹튀 game is immensely popular and homemade versions are sold in popular stores such as Daiso; handmade versions can be found all over Insadong.
You also had to move the thread from the other player’s hands into your own hands at each level. There was even a song that children used to sing when playing this game. Two people hold a rubber band that is about 2 to 4 meters long at their ankles on both sides, and the rest of the players will step on it or jump over it. It was played by stacking the paper up like a tower and either clapping in front of it or slamming your hands down on the table to flip the paper. You start by placing all five stones on the floor, then throw one in the air and grab the other four quickly, and then catch the one in the air before it falls to the ground. A long time ago, it was played with real stones but I used to play with plastic balls that were later being sold.
Unlike the footbag in a hacky sack, jegi is made out of paper, which is then wrapped around a coin. This is another wintertime activity for young people, especially popular to play over Lunar New Year’s holiday. In this game, you will use a “jegi” which is a Korean word for an item similar to a shuttlecock that is made from paper wrapped around a small coin. The game begins as you kick the “jegi” in the air among a group of people, trying to keep it from dropping onto the ground.
If the chosen player sees anyone moving, that player is out of the game. The person who first reaches the chosen player will be the new “it” for the next round. Alongside 줄다기리, the popular Netflix series Squid Game featured some other popular games for children as well. For example, the outcome of the game is assumed to predict the year’s upcoming harvest. The game is played with two ropes, made from rice straws, which are connected by a peg in the center, with the two teams pulling at the ropes from opposite sides. Nol-ttwigi is very popular during many festivals, but according to tradition, it was first a game of upper-class female children.
Many of those games are actually games traditionally played in Korea a lot. Next, let’s look at a very different form of community recreation. The sport of chajeon nori is basically communal jousting.
The main goal is to try to get your opponent to face the same direction you want them to face. However, your creative juices can sometimes be drained up and cannot think of new ways to entertain yourself. In that case, try these Korean indoor games for you to ease your boredom. The games featured here were considered because of their simplicity. It also does not need a lot of materials to play with but it ensures a whole lot of fun to come with it. But what about swings that chuck you nearly 90 degrees into the air?
The tagger turns around whenever they are done saying the sentence, and the rest of the players are to stand there as still as possible. While the tagger stands with their back faced towards the other players and shouts “”Hibiscus has blossomed”” (무궁화 꽃이 피었습니다), the players sneak up slowly behind them. If you’re a bad player, you may lose all your ttakji (딱지) to your friends, so it required a lot of practice. They were being sold in the shapes of characters from animations and games that were a hit. It’s played with two colorful sheets of paper that are folded together, also known as ttakji (딱지).